20 February 2019

Transferring and Reposting My Previous Blogposts

Hey everyone!

Just composing this entry to let you guys know that a few of my blog posts from my previous blogs will be posted again on this site that I'm currently working on where they will be attached with the label: 'Blogpost Flashbacks'. I won't be putting out all of my previous posts, but only those that I found memorable to write during the past few years. Nearing the first month of this year, I have already closed the previous sites I have created in order to fully focus my attention on this site instead of jumping from one to another. You can also view how these sites previously looked like (in screenshots) through visiting the 'CONNECT' tab located at the right side of this page.

Doing the transfer made me try to consider on how to decide on a few things. I needed the change to be able to focus more on one place and also get to invest my time and attention better. This might not be that of an important notice to put out there, but anyway it's just out for those who might be wondering. 

As for other reasons to why I'm doing the transfer, one would be a 'reflection time' of some sorts for me. It would make me see how I got into composing such posts and make me think back on those thoughts that inspired me. I would get to re-evaluate on what I could improve more on, as well. It's a feel-good motivation to continue doing what I'm interested in and having my previous posts to remind me and for me to learn from. I think it would also be interesting to see the growth/progress that I plan to make throughout this blogging journey. You guys would be able to witness that and be a part of that, too. :) 

I also look forward to your constructive and helpful comments, suggestions, and inquiries regarding the posts and even the overall vibe of the blog. 

I'm just slightly nervous but v excited about the little somethings that we will get to talk about and share as we go along this journey.

This journey isn't only mine alone, but also something that gets to be created with everyone who joins the family!

Just a heads-up that for the upcoming posts which are originally from the previous blog sites, the actual date of publication will be included at the start of the post (as well as from which blog it came from, though there is only one from '반짝반짝' while the rest would be from 'Colors in the sky'). Additional updates would also possibly be included at the end of the post.

Thanks for reading!

'Til the next post,

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About The Gems in Victoria's Notebook ∞

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She's a curious and talkative introvert from the Queen City of the South, Philippines who loves music, green tea, face masks, and cheesecake. To travel around the world is one of her aspirations in life. Exploring cultures through learning more about languages is something she also finds interesting. Join her as she takes on her blogging journey in discovering the small joys in life.