02 January 2019

Hi there!

Hello everyone!
Welcome to my blog which I decided to call, 'The Gems in Victoria's Notebook'.

Why the title, you might ask? 
It actually had a lot of trial-and-error involved. I really didn't know what to name it at first and resorted to doing some research (which included random name generators and domain checkers, that sort of thing). Taking the words 'gems' and 'Victoria', those two words are closely related to my first two names (the former, being the Italian origin/meaning of my first name and the latter, which is already my other name). For the 'notebook' part, it came naturally as I was scrolling through a list of words said to be 'commonly used to pair with usernames' (still part of the research portion lol) and remembered how I used to collect numerous notebooks since I was in Elementary (even up to this day) just so I could have something to jot down certain thoughts. It was definitely challenging for me to find ways on how to initially put them together or even use either for a blog site title. But, yeah, I guess that's how it came to be. 

About The Gems in Victoria's Notebook ∞

My photo
She's a curious and talkative introvert from the Queen City of the South, Philippines who loves music, green tea, face masks, and cheesecake. To travel around the world is one of her aspirations in life. Exploring cultures through learning more about languages is something she also finds interesting. Join her as she takes on her blogging journey in discovering the small joys in life.